domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013

Politicians and Parties

Amazon's Dolce Gabbana

What do you think is the main goal of a politician ?
If you say, to be elected , you are correct. If the answer is to have a Party for him/her self you are also correct.
Here in Brazil we have 30 parties and yesterday a group of politicians leaded by Marina Silva, lounched a new one to be what they already are, another group of politicians.
Marina gathered almost 20 million votes in our last election for President as a member of the Green Party (PV), after she left the Labour Party (PT) due to conflicts she had with the so Minister of Mines and Energy, Dilma Roussef, our actual president.
After last election she realized PV was not good enough for her, so she also left it to create her own Party. It did not have a name before yesterday, February 16, 2013 and now it has : Rede (or net). Fancy expected to be pro-every-thing-correct, it is also know as Marina's Party.
Now that we face new elections in 2014, Marina keeps her dream to become the President of Brazil proposing a different way of making politics. She dreams to have a Party without politicians, without big corporations finance.
Will reality show her that it is impossible or will she keep dreaming ?

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