quinta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2015

Poverty and Charity

Maybe some of the readers have never had contact with poverty. I mean real material poverty. Hunger, diseases, violence, sex insults, family disruptment, well, it is Christmas.
Some of you will donate, Red Cross, Rotary, Lions, Salvation Army...Excellent, you are helping fight temporaraly poverty, but how about charity ? 
What is charity all about if not giving what you don't have enough ?
How about spend some time with your family, or that friend of your who is in pain ?
Our misery most of time is not a matter of money, but spirituality. 

Try again, and again, go after those in pain, get involved. This is what really counts. Have a Christmas of peace. Get rid of masses, search for your deepest inner side, there are lots of things in there waiting for you.

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