quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2016

From time to time

2016 can be considered the year of change.
It is natural that mankind changes from time to time its directions.
Latin America started with the end of the Kicheners, and Argentina leaded the row, Brazil followed, Bolivia, Venezuela are in their limits, in Europe, the UK said no the the club., and the message arrived in the United States.
The question is being answered. Who pays the bill ?
The ones who are paying the bill,for a long time, want their "money" back. Money in this case is power. Now the most powerful man in the world presented the bill. Is he going to charge ?
Definetelly the world is changing.
"Change is the law of life. Those who only look back to the past or to the present, will definetelly loose the future" John Kenedy.

2016 pode ser considerado o ano da mudança.
É natural que a humanidade mude de direção de tempos em tempos.
A América Latina começou com o fim dos Kicheners e a Argentina liderou a fila, o Brasil acompanhou, Bolívia e Venezuela estão nos seus limites, na Europa o Reino Unido deixou o clube e a mensagem chegou aos Estados Unidos.
A pergunta está sendo respondida. Quem paga a conta ?
Aqueles que estão pagando a conta há muito tempo, querem seu "dinheiro" de volta, e o dinheiro nesse caso é poder. Agora o homem mais poderoso do mundo mostrou a conta. Será que ele vai cobrar ?
Definitivamente o mundo está mudando.

"A mudança é a lei da vida. Aqueles que apenas olham para o passado ou para o presente, irão com certeza perder o futuro" - John Kennedy.

quinta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2016

O Aborto

Acende-se agora no Brasil o tema de apoio às mães cujos fetos desenvolvem microcefalia.
Há uma forte correlação entre o Zika Virus transmitido pelo mosquito Aedes aegypti e a má formação cefálica.
Muitas mulheres estão evitando engravidar nesse período em que a infestação do mosquito tornou-se uma epidemia, já mundial, tendo o Brasil adquirido status de líder em número de casos registrados.
Burocratas com ideias mirabolantes de soluções imediatas começam a defende o aborte desses fetos, ou assassinato, como queiram.
O fato é que o Planejamento Familiar não deve usar o aborto como ferramenta banal se pensarmos em termos médicos, mesmo porque as sequelas psicológicas de mulheres que são acometidas do aborto são enormes. Partem de depressão e podem chegar ao suicídio.
O aborto não deve ser praticado a menos que coloque a vida da mãe em risco, e ainda assim as mães que já entenderam a que tem a missão de desenvolver o amor, não praticam a operação, pois entendem ser abençoadas com a dedicação que terão pela frente caso a criança microcéfala sobreviva.
Ainda estamos longe de aprender o significado da dor, do sofrimento da dedicação incondicional à maternidade (ou paternidade), mas ao nos lançarmos nessa tarefa começamos a sentir uma inexplicável força agir em nós e transformar nossos sentimentos todos, em amor.
Não aborte ! Abrace. 

quinta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2015

Poverty and Charity

Maybe some of the readers have never had contact with poverty. I mean real material poverty. Hunger, diseases, violence, sex insults, family disruptment, well, it is Christmas.
Some of you will donate, Red Cross, Rotary, Lions, Salvation Army...Excellent, you are helping fight temporaraly poverty, but how about charity ? 
What is charity all about if not giving what you don't have enough ?
How about spend some time with your family, or that friend of your who is in pain ?
Our misery most of time is not a matter of money, but spirituality. 

Try again, and again, go after those in pain, get involved. This is what really counts. Have a Christmas of peace. Get rid of masses, search for your deepest inner side, there are lots of things in there waiting for you.

terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2015

When a Friend Dies

Most of us are not used to loose things. Small things that we have small values to them. We consider objects ours.
Once in a while we loose opportunities, most of the times we are not ready for them, but we still feel bad about it.
Then it comes to friends, we have an argument, a fight and stay long periods of time wasting time not getting together, latter on in our lives one of them dies.
That childhood fella's gone.
Difficult, sad, annoying, it is a mix of sentiments.
Your other friends are also sad, so what a difficult period of time.
We still have faith. We believe in another chance to be together again. Maybe another life, maybe reincarnation in the same group again. It is just a pitty your buddy is not around anymore, at least not is his body.
Good old times, good old friends. See you soon.

quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2015

Beef Scandal

If you live in one of the countries on Earth, you have a great chance to have eaten JBS' beef, (or pork, chicken, hotdogs, etc),
More than 200,000 employees, they export to over 150 different countries, not bad at all !
From 2007 after buying Pilgrim's Pride and aquiring Bertim, another Braziliam Beef Company, it started to grow with a business hunger of a Giant. Margerine, yogurt, cheese, pastrami, you name it , JBS has them all.
In Brazil dozens of large abbatoirs were bought, killing competition, strugling cattle farmers.
Ok, but how do they get so much money to buy companies like that, besides their profits ?
The answer is a Public Brazilian Bank called BNDES, that loaned the beef company more than R$30 billion ( US$1.00 = R$2.95). We are talking US$10 billion.
Ok, what beef and politics have in common ?
In 2002, they donated R$200,000, in 2006 R$19.7 million, in 2010 it was R$83million and last year, the amount of R$391.8 million was donated to 16 different political parties in Brazil.
There is no free lunch, not here not anywhere, more is about to come.

sábado, 4 de abril de 2015


I could go on and just describe corruption as it is in the dictionary, but I want to talk about it in Brazil in the recent years.
We are all stoned with the volume of money drawn from the public treasure through it official bank - BNDES, in a Government owned bank, Banco do Brasil, in an Oil State Owned company called Petrobrás and the rules of such gangs.
Brazil is getting access to  great number of evidences of scandals that at the end will sum a few trillions of Reais (Brazilian Currency). As it happens its people get more and more convinced to go out and protest.
If we had a parliamentarian government Ms. Roussef would long have lost her job and would definitely lead the police to jail her and her predecessor  Lula da Silva.
The veins of corruption here is irrigated by building companies, banks, black market currency dealers, oil company suppliers as they formed a cartel of companies responsible for financing the 3 past Presidential elections.as past elections.
We will go again to the streets on April 12, this time in a bigger event as we went in March 15. We want all bandits in Jail, no matter who.

quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2015

First Semen Export

Bull : Código

Five years ago I visited India in order to import cattle genetics from there into Brazil. I visited quite a few breeders and realized we were a bit ahead of them in cattle selection.
I went to the biggest Coop, in charge of processing some 11 million litres of Milk and found that the other way round would be a must, as Brazil could contribute with India in sending back the genes once came to Brasil.
The Indian government released a few years latter a sanitary protocol and a special permit. I contacted one of the A.I stations in Brazil and started to do the process. I am very glad to anounce that last week our clients in India got the first batch of Gyr Semen from Brazil to India. Very Proud. Very happy !

+ Populares