terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2013

Milk and Tits

Gir Cow (Zebu)

No matter how urban a society is, one can not produce artificial milk.
It comes from Tits, Cows, Buffaloes, Goats, Camels and Mares are the mais producers of milk and  so dairy comes along.
Milk price is reaching high levels in Brazil, normally at this time of the year, cows are still lactating well, so the amount of litres are ok, so what is going on ?
People may say inflation, others, business oportunities, but I recon it is the other side of the world that is pending.
Australia and New Zeland are two great producers in the Southern Pacific area, Canada and the US in the Northern Pacific area, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay in the  Southern Atlantic area. All of us mentioned are consumers and some are exporters.
Then comes CHINA, the average of milk consumption over there as very insignificant "per capta", but now, it is growing

Lots of factors, but mainlly "western advertisement" is changing the feeding habits of the Chinese, the demand is growing so fast that the local government has many projects to increase local production.
Meanwhile, they buy it overseas. Australia and New Zeland are the top suppliers and when they don't have enough, China buys it from Argentina and Uruguay, our neighbours.
As a result of it we get higher prices at the shelf.

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