segunda-feira, 28 de outubro de 2013
domingo, 28 de julho de 2013
His Holiness Pope Francesco
quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2013
Sleeping with the Enemy
segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2013
Green Revolution
sábado, 27 de abril de 2013
Would you like a cup ?
terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2013
Milk and Tits
terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2013
Fusão de Partidos, Cachimbos e Ocas ?

Criação de novos partidos são de toda forma uma "proposta diferente" a tudo que existe, e nós acabamos recebendo mais um da mesma coisa, com um(a) novo(a) cacique.
Agora, quando as tribos começam a dimimuir
, justamente por excesso de caciques, então eles fumam um cachimbo da paz e se juntam, para amealhar a indiada restante.
Assim, Roberto Freire, oferece algumas ocas de seu partido a partidos menores como o PMN, e acende a fogueira da madrugada para receber mais dissidentes do já quase morto DEM, e por incrível que pareça dos pula-pulas do PSD (novinho em folha).
Partido que outrora se mirava nas águas do comunismo, o PPS agora recebe a rapa do liberalismo, tudo para atender a turma do Tucano Sentado, correndo por fora para derrubar a turma do Sapo que Fala.
Nesse zigue-zague eleitoral, nos resta a raíz, o futuro e a sustentabilidade de um partido que incomoda justamente por ser uno, com bravos caras pintadas que defendem 43 princípios sendo a mãe de todos, a Sustentabilidade.
No ideário inabalável das liberdades humanas, segue o PV com força, com futuro e esperança de que a Educação e suas verbas cheguem realmente ao cerne da sociedade, a Juventude, e que as lições do outro Freire, o Paulo provoque o raciocínio em detrimento da alienação.
domingo, 14 de abril de 2013
A New Face for Latin America's Policy
quinta-feira, 11 de abril de 2013
O Leite Nosso de Cada Dia
terça-feira, 9 de abril de 2013
The True Lady
quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2013
On the road again
terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013
A Hipocrisia e seus filhos
domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013
Politicians and Parties
Amazon's Dolce Gabbana
What do you think is the main goal of a politician ?
If you say, to be elected , you are correct. If the answer is to have a Party for him/her self you are also correct.
Here in Brazil we have 30 parties and yesterday a group of politicians leaded by Marina Silva, lounched a new one to be what they already are, another group of politicians.
Marina gathered almost 20 million votes in our last election for President as a member of the Green Party (PV), after she left the Labour Party (PT) due to conflicts she had with the so Minister of Mines and Energy, Dilma Roussef, our actual president.
Now that we face new elections in 2014, Marina keeps her dream to become the President of Brazil proposing a different way of making politics. She dreams to have a Party without politicians, without big corporations finance.
Will reality show her that it is impossible or will she keep dreaming ?
quinta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2013
O Homem Carnívoro
quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2013
180 milhões de toneladas
Brazil has at the moment a stuck economy growing something like 2% p.a., wich is definetelly an almost "no-grow".
However we have here a group of 30 million heroes doing their best to produce more and more food every year, we call them farmers.
Agriculture in Brazil this year will supply the World with no less than 180 million tones of grains, not counting coffee, fruit, meats (pork and beef), sugar, ethanol, orange juice, etc
Agriculture has faced a 12% growth in 2012, an unbelivable number, bigger than China's growth.
Many people will say that our agriculture faces no competition, and that's why it grows so fast. It is not true. We have Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, here in South America, The United States and Canada in North America, Russia, France, In Europe, South Africa, Botswana, in southern Africa, Australia and New Zeland in the Southern Pacific, even Saudi Arabia, and its large centre pivots irrigating at oil profits...
They will also say that we are deforestating, wich is not treu also. Old pastures are being renovated with agriculture, and that is an enourmous amount of land that is also producing two or three years and than given back to cattle, in a rotary here we are, supplying food all over the World at low cost and great quality, using the best of Brazilian technology to do so.
If there were a few bad coments I would stick with logistics. Most of these grains are transported by trucks on roads... very expensive I'd say. Our ports have high costs and we don't have as many as we could have, considering our coast of 8 thousand kilometres.
So this is just to compliment our farmers, people who wake up early and work hard.
Please contact me at :
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